Model Journal Article ‐ Research Article RCM4: Resonance Raman spectrum of [Ru(bipyridine)3]2+ in water, acetonitrile and their deuterated derivatives*
The possible role of solvent in excited‐state charge localizationCreators
DrJørgen van der PloegIVPhDDr Jørgen van der Ploeg IV, PhDPost‐doctoral Research FellowMedical Statistician1,5,
- ,
- ,
Zoltán El‐SheikhMRCSZoltán El‐Sheikh, MRCSSenior Clinical Lecturer1,✉‐118‐654 9932 (work)+91‐118‐654 8843 (home)+91‐118‐844 8855and members of
- (Contact:
DameHélène Riffé‐ChalardMBEDame Hélène Riffé‐Chalard MBEhrc@transcendental.ko)
- 1Department of Physics, Western Michigan UniversityDepartment of PhysicsWestern Michigan UniversityKalamazooMichiganUSA94128‐2984
- 2Third Department of Internal Medicine, Shiga University Medical SchoolThird Department of Internal MedicineShiga University Medical SchoolKyotoJapan904
- 3Department of Oncology, Cancer Research Centre, King's University BelfastDepartment of OncologyCancer Research CentreKing's University BelfastLisburn RoadBelfastUKBE3 9ZR
- 4Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research InstituteKorea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute412 Shinseong‐dongYouseong‐KuCheongryangSeoulKorea
Third‐party Creative Commons Attribution License text
Present address
- 5Eötvös Lóránd UniversityEötvös Lóránd University1053BudapestEgyetem tér 1-3Hungary
Funding information
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Grant/Award Number: NNX13AO31GNNG06GF31GNNH1OCCO4CNNX11AN38G
- National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: AST-0908472
- NASA High‐End Computing (HEC) Program
- NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center
- NASA Planetary Data System (PDS)
- analysis of variance
- biochemical oxygen demand
- chemical oxygen demand
- dw
- dry weight
- relative growth rate
- synthetic wastewater
- total Kjeldhal nitrogen
- water from the Sordo River
- WSR + F
- WSR amended with fertilizer
- *This article was derived from a PhD thesis of this title by M‐Q Peng.
- †Deceased.
- The copyright line for this article was changed on 25 June 2018 after original online publication.
Increased oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant capacity observed in both clinical and experimental diabetes mellitus have been implicated in the etiology of chronic diabetic complications. Many authors have shown that hyperglycemia leads to an increase in lipid peroxidation in diabetic patients and animals reflecting a rise in reactive oxygen species production. The aim of the study was to compare the susceptibility of mitochondria from brain and liver of Goto‐Kakizaki (12‐month‐old diabetic) rats (GK rats), a model of non‐insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, to oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses.
Brain and liver mitochondrial preparations were obtained by differential centrifugation. Oxidative damage injury was induced in vitro by the oxidant pair ADP/Fe2+ and the extent of membrane oxidation was assessed by oxygen consumption, malondialdehyde (MDA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation. Coenzyme Q and α‐tocopherol contents were measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Brain mitochondria isolated from 12‐month‐old control rats displayed a higher susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, as assessed by oxygen consumption and formation of MDA and TBARS, compared to liver mitochondria. In GK rats, mitochondria isolated from brain were more susceptible to in vitro oxidative damage than brain mitochondria from normal rats. In contrast, liver mitochondria from diabetic rats were less susceptible to oxidative damage than mitochondria from normal rats. This decreased susceptibility was inversely related to their α‐tocopherol and coenzyme Q (CoQ) content.
The present results indicate that the diabetic state can result in an elevation of both α‐tocopherol and CoQ content in liver, which may be involved in the elimination of mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen species. The difference in the antioxidant defense mechanisms in the brain and liver mitochondrial preparations of moderately hyperglycemic diabetic GK rats may correspond to a different adaptive response of the cells to the increased oxidative damage in diabetes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cet article montre que les blocs de granite issus de tors se distribuent selon trois zones distinctes sur les pédiments et qu'ils sont réduits en granules, sable et fines à la surface même de ces pédiments. Le lieu d'étude se situe sur une des collines du batholite d'Old Crow, à la frontière internationale entre l'Alaska et le Yukon. Les méthodes et techniques utilisées sont la granulométrie et la géochimie des roches et des particules fines ainsi que la mesure de l'orientation des blocs. Les résultats indiquent que les blocs libérés par les tors deviennent de moins en moins nombreux et de plus en plus petits à la surface des pédiments quand leur distance par rapport au lieu d'origine augmente. Les processus de météorisation les détruisent avant qu'ils n'atteignent les talwegs. Des évaluations chronologiques permettent d'estimer à plusieurs dizaines, voire centaines de milliers d'années le temps nécessaire à la transformation des blocs en particules fines. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Short Abstract
This article describes how tors calve granite boulders which are then distributed in three zones on the surrounding pediments. Results show that boulders become smaller and less frequent on the pediment as distance from the tor increases. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Graphical Abstract
Resource Identification Initiative was launched as a pilot project to improve the reporting standards for research resources in the methods sections of papers and thereby improve identifiability and reproducibility. Here, we present an overview of the pilot project and its outcomes to date. We show that authors are generally accurate in performing the task of identifying resources and supportive of the goals of the project.

- Thermoxidative ageing
- oxygen consumption
- diffusion‐limited oxidation
- density changes
- Thermooxidative Alterung
- Sauerstoffaufnahme
- diffusionslimitierte Oxidation
- Dichteänderung
Nowadays that prince that can best find money to pay his army is surest of success.
Sir William Davenant, 1605–1668
Meiosis has a central role in the sexual reproduction of nearly all eukaryotes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has unique advantages for detailed analysis of meiosis, especially because sporulation can easily be triggered by a simple change of nutritional conditions, and landmark events are conveniently monitored in populations of relatively homogeneous single cells. Sporulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is restricted to one type of cell, the a/α cell, and is initiated after starvation for nitrogen in the absence of a fermentable carbon source1. Some genes are expressed only during sporulation and are referred to as meiosis‐ or sporulation‐specific genes2. Transcription of meiosis‐specific genes, as well as the initiation of meiosis, in S. cerevisiae depends on the main meiotic transcriptional activator, IME1 (inducer of meiosis)3-5. In haploid cells, the product of the gene RME1 functions as a repressor of IME12,6. For DNA‐bound Rme1p to exert repression, the genes SIN4/SSN4/TSF3 (= negative regulator of GAL1 gene expression) and RGR1 are required1-3,7. These genes are RNA polymerase II mediator subunits (SRB proteins) which are necessary for normal nucleosome density8. SIN4 plays a role in transcriptional regulation and directly or indirectly regulates a global aspect of chromatin accessibility.
Raman scattering is a second‐order effect with respect to an operator of interaction between the electromagnetic field and the matter. This operator is considered as a small perturbation and the corresponding quantum transition is realised through the intermediate states. For the correct usage of the method of small perturbation, the fulfilment of following equations is necessary:
where E0 is the energy of the initial state, Ei that of the intermediate state, Ef that of the final state, V0i the interaction operator matrix elements between the initial and intermediate states and Vif those between the intermediate and final states.
Having fulfilled this program we obtained the equation for the intensity of Raman scattering. It has the form
where I0 is the intensity of the incident (primary) light beam, I the intensity of scattering light, ω the frequency of incident light, ∂( )/∂( ) the Jacobian of transformations from kxkykz space of wavevectors to coordinates in the spherical system coordinates, which is determined by direction group velocity υ0, and the constant D includes some values which change little with change in ω. While writing Eqn. (2) we focus on the factors which determine the frequency dependence of the Raman scattering intensity in a resonance field. That is why in Eqn. (2) some factors which change little in the resonance field are included in the constant D. The value of δ1 is the angle between the k wavevector of incident light and υ0, group velocity, and δ2 is the similar value with respect to scattered light. R is the coefficient of light transmission through the boundary between vacuum and the crystal and n the refractive index.
As we know, the Eqn. (2) has never been mentioned in the literature. The account of Jacobian and angles δ1 and δ2 can be sufficient in anisotropic crystals.
It is interesting to consider some simple cases of the application of Eqn. (2).
Let us consider the situation when it is possible not to take into account the extinction of polaritons. Group velocity depends on frequency according to the equation , and the refractive index , where and ω0 is the primary radiation frequency. Taking into account the considerations mentioned above, we obtain
This result is obtained in the situation when extinction is neglected. However, if extinction is taken into account, υ0 and n are finite values and any difficulties in describing resonance Raman scattering are absent.
It should be noted that the refractive index n, group velocity υ0 and resonance Raman scattering intensity can be measured independently (compare Equations (2), (3)).
For notation conventions used in this article, see the Definition List.
Materials and Methods
Clinical Specimen Collection
Specimens for RT‐PCR (group 1)
Fifteen abnormal cervical biopsies were studied1. Five were CIN 1, four were CIN 2 and six were CIN 3. Nine normal cervical biopsy specimens including the ectocervix and transformation zone were used as controls (Figure 1).

Specimens for TGF‐β1, β2, and β3 immunostaining (group 2)
Twenty‐six abnormal specimens positive for HPV 16 were selected from the database. Eight were HPV/CIN 1, seven were CIN 2, and 11 were CIN 3. Of the normal cervical controls, 9 were ectocervical squamous epithelium, 12 were reserve cell hyperplasia, 7 were immature metaplasia, and 15 were mature squamous metaplasia.
Specimens for Microdissection and RT‐PCR (Group 3)
Twenty‐five CIN samples positive for HPV 16 were selected. Nine were CIN 1, seven were CIN 2, and nine were CIN 3. Ectocervical tissue from 11 normal cervical specimens was used as controls2.
Specimen Selection, Processing, and Histology
All abnormal cervical specimens were obtained from patients attending colposcopy outpatient clinics for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, after recent evidence of abnormal cervical cytology (Figure 2). The biopsies were obtained by large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). The specimens were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin wax for routine histology. For all cases, CIN grading was performed using standard criteria9. All specimens used as controls were from patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy for disease outside the cervix; all had normal cervical cytology and histology with no evidence of previous cervical disease and were negative for HPV by GP5+/6+ PCR.

Manipulation of Effort
After having described how depressed he or she had been and how he or she had experienced this, the interviewed individual described how she got over the depression.
The bogus interview fragment in the low‐effort condition included, among other things, the following sentences:
I did not do anything special to get over my depression. I did not force myself to take the initiative to do things, but I decided just to wait and see… I don't understand really how, but gradually I began to enjoy life again… In the morning I could get up without too much effort, and begin the day. And, more importantly, I began to feel again like a worthy person. Eventually, I could cope again with life.
The bogus interview fragment in the high‐effort condition included, among other things, the following sentences:
At a certain moment I decided to try to actively overcome my depression. I felt I had to put myself together. I forced myself to take the initiative to do things, and I did my best to become interested again in things and in people… It did take a lot of effort, but gradually I began to enjoy life again… In the morning I could get up without too much effort, and begin the day. And, more importantly, I began to feel again like a worthy person. Eventually, I could cope again with life.
The molecules involved are illustrated here:

Acetal Conjugate of Plasmal
These results confirmed the involvement of both the free amino group and the acetal conjugate of plasmal in the rearrangement reaction of glyceroPLPS. As shown in Scheme 1, it would be expected that the migration of plasmal residue to the free amino group of sphingosine occurs simultaneously with the elimination of glycerol or a rearranged [M + H]+ ion leads to the elimination of glycerol, to form a Schiff base‐type ZA ion () (B in Scheme 1), via a cyclic intermediate (A in Scheme 1). The presence of a less abundant ion corresponding to [M + H − Hex]+ (m/z 548) in the product ion spectrum of PLPS‐B would also support the proposed mechanism, in which the cyclic intermediate (A) was formed via the glycerol loss. The galactose residue is freed of any modifying groups in the rearranged fragment (), so that it could be eliminated by normal glycosidic cleavage to produce [ − Hex]+ ion (C in Scheme 1).

New Genes Identified
Three new genes were identified; 1. YBL071W‐a, a hypothetical conserved protein (simultaneously identified by Enomoto et al12) 2. YAL044W‐a, the homologue of Sz. pombe uvi31 3. YDL085C‐a, the homologue of the human 4F5S disease‐associated gene. The new genes and coordinates are listed in Table 1 and the remaining results are summarised in Tables 2, 3, 4. Details of results of algorithm investigations are given in Box 1.
Channel | Control | Impact | |||
Position | Upstream | Downstream | Upstream | Downstream | |
Depth (cm) | |||||
Chlorides (mg/L) | 10 | 6.6 (5.6;7.9) |
6.1 (5.5;6.9) |
6.3 (5.7;7.0) |
6.4 (5.8;7.0) |
50 | 6.1 (5.7;6.8) |
6.4 (5.6;7.4) |
6.2 (5.6;7.6) |
6.2 (5.5;6.5) |
90 | 6.5 (5.5;8.2) |
6.6 (5.8;8.0) |
6.3 (5.6;8.6) |
6.4 (5.5;7.9) |
N‐NO3− (mg/L) | 10 | 0.63 (0.51;0.77) |
0.66 (0.51;0.76) |
0.61 (0.52;0.70) |
0.56 (0.40;0.77) |
50 | 0.62 (0.50;0.79) |
0.62 (0.48;0.71) |
0.64 (0.40;0.86) |
0.60 (0.46;0.74) |
90 | 0.64 (0.51;0.76) |
0.65 (0.57;0.88) |
0.65 (0.49;0.75) |
0.66 (0.50;0.78) |
Specific conductance (μS/cm) | 10 | 359 (349;371) |
352 (344;361) |
356 (338;362) |
358 (350;365) |
50 | 355 (344;367) |
355 (346;364) |
354 (340;362) |
357 (339;365) |
90 | 357 (348;367) |
356 (343;365) |
357 (344;364) |
362 (340;381) |
Temperature (°C) | 10 | 21.3 (19.1;23.1) |
21.8 (19.1;23.3) |
22.0 (20.2;24.8) |
22.2 (20.7;24.5) |
50 | 21.2 (19.2;22.7) |
21.0 (19.1;22.4) |
21.3 (19.7;23.4) |
21.4 (19.1;23.1) |
90 | 20.8 (19.1;21.6) |
20.9 (19.5;21.8) |
21.0 (19.7;22.5) |
21.0 (18.9;23.0) |
DO (mg/L) | 10 | 8.8 (8.1;9.3) |
8.7 (8.0;9.4) |
9.5 (8.6;11.2) |
8.5 (7.0;10) |
50 | 8.9 (7.2;9.5) |
8.0 (7.0;8.6) |
8.4 (7.4;9.6) |
8.2 (6.8;9.5) |
90 | 8.4 (7.6;9.0) |
7.6 (6.6;8.2) |
7.8 (7.1;9.0) |
7.3 (4.9;9.6) |
VHG (%) | 10 | −9.4 (−30;5) |
−4.4 (−40;10) |
3.8 (0;20) |
−31.3 (−100;50) |
50 | −23.3 (−32;‐4) |
−2.4 (−10;6) |
−33.6 (−56;‐12) |
5.3 (−14,36) |
90 | −16.9 (−22.2;‐13.3) |
−2.3 (−4.4;2.2) |
−18.1 (−31.1;‐4.4) |
−3.5 (−22.2; 13.3) |
- Note. DO = dissolved oxygen; VHG = vertical hydraulic gradient.
Panel A: Sample Composition | |||
Number of restatements: | |||
Characteristics of restatements | Analyst Coverage (H1) | Forecast Dispersion (H2) | Forecast Error (H3) |
Irregularity restatements | 257 | 165 | 250 |
Other restatements | 701 | 419 | 693 |
Total | 958 | 584 | 943 |
Number of firm‐year observations: | |||
Pre‐/Post‐ restatement periods | Analyst Coverage (H1) | Forecast Dispersion (H2) | Forecast Error (H3) |
Full sample: | |||
Pre‐restatement period | 4,259 | 2,441 | 4,184 |
Post‐restatement period | 8,475 | 4,937 | 8,405 |
Total | 12,734 | 7,378 | 12,589 |
Irregularity restatements: | |||
Pre‐restatement period | 1,166 | 725 | 1,133 |
Post‐restatement period | 2,073 | 1,280 | 2,050 |
Total | 3,239 | 2,005 | 3,183 |
Panel B: Descriptive Statistics for Control Variables – Analyst Coverage Sample (H1) | ||||||||||||
(1) Full Sample | (2) Irregularity Restatement Subsample | |||||||||||
Pre‐Restatement Period (N = 4,259) | Post‐Restatement Period (N = 8,475) | Pre‐Restatement Period (N = 1,166) | Post‐Restatement Period (N = 2,073) | |||||||||
Variable | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD |
SIZE | 6 .505 |
6 .325 |
1 .661 |
6 .669*** |
6 .524^^^ |
1 .754 |
6 .727 |
6 .467 |
1 .732 |
6 .736 |
6 .536 |
1 .845 |
TRADING_VOL | 2 .661 |
2 .650 |
1 .648 |
2 .983*** |
2 .991^^^ |
1 .691 |
3 .087 |
3 .072 |
1 .622 |
3 .401*** |
3 .405^^^ |
1 .623 |
GROWTH | 0 .043 |
0 .026 |
0 .099 |
0 .023*** |
0 .019^^^ |
0 .076 |
0 .044 |
0 .023 |
0 .110 |
0 .015*** |
0 .012^^^ |
0 .079 |
RD | 0 .075 |
0 .000 |
0 .180 |
0 .065*** |
0 .000 |
0 .157 |
0 .085 |
0 .000 |
0 .174 |
0 .078 |
0 .000 |
0 .140 |
SEG | 0 .751 |
0 .693 |
0 .762 |
0 .726* |
0 .693^^^ |
0 .798 |
0 .880 |
0 .693 |
0 .740 |
0 .869 |
0 .693 |
0 .793 |
CAR | −0 .039 |
−0 .014 |
0 .116 |
−0 .034** |
−0 .013 |
0 .106 |
−0 .082 |
−0 .037 |
0 .153 |
−0 .077 |
−0 .035 |
0 .144 |
OPLEV | 2 .705 |
1 .685 |
47 .532 |
2 .547 |
1 .713 |
47 .604 |
3 .485 |
1 .509 |
54 .755 |
3 .343 |
1 .566 |
53 .873 |
VSALE | 0 .152 |
0 .105 |
0 .142 |
0 .131*** |
0 .088^^^ |
0 .127 |
0 .155 |
0 .101 |
0 .151 |
0 .122*** |
0 .080^^^ |
0 .124 |
LOSS | 0 .312 |
0 .000 |
0 .463 |
0 .302 |
0 .000 |
0 .459 |
0 .407 |
0 .000 |
0 .491 |
0 .384 |
0 .000 |
0 .486 |
PINST | 0 .367 |
0 .353 |
0 .337 |
0 .427*** |
0 .447^^^ |
0 .359 |
0 .389 |
0 .403 |
0 .355 |
0 .429*** |
0 .448^^^ |
0 .369 |
Panel C: Descriptive Statistics for Control Variables – Forecast Dispersion Sample (H2) | ||||||||||||
(1) Full Sample | (2) Irregularity Restatement Subsample | |||||||||||
Pre‐Restatement Period (N = 2,441) | Post‐Restatement Period (N = 4,937) | Pre‐Restatement Period (N = 725) | Post‐Restatement Period (N = 1,280) | |||||||||
Variable | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD | Mean | Median | STD |
SIZE | 7 .338 |
7 .122 |
1 .537 |
7 .525*** |
7 .335^^^ |
1 .577 |
7 .492 |
7 .142 |
1 .615 |
7 .578 |
7 .309 |
1 .666 |
TRADING_VOL | 3 .482 |
3 .460 |
1 .383 |
3 .814*** |
3 .770^^^ |
1 .390 |
3 .820 |
3 .866 |
1 .401 |
4 .134*** |
4 .136^^^ |
1 .349 |
GROWTH | 0 .045 |
0 .028 |
0 .090 |
0 .028*** |
0 .023^^^ |
0 .066 |
0 .044 |
0 .023 |
0 .103 |
0 .017*** |
0 .014^^^ |
0 .071 |
RD | 0 .063 |
0 .000 |
0 .138 |
0 .052*** |
0 .000 |
0 .112 |
0 .083 |
0 .000 |
0 .153 |
0 .071* |
0 .000 |
0 .112 |
SEG | 0 .821 |
0 .693 |
0 .786 |
0 .785* |
0 .693^^^ |
0 .826 |
0 .919 |
0 .693 |
0 .755 |
0 .910 |
0 .693 |
0 .825 |
CAR | −0 .032 |
−0 .012 |
0 .105 |
−0 .027* |
−0 .011 |
0 .094 |
−0 .063 |
−0 .029 |
0 .137 |
−0 .056 |
−0 .028 |
0 .133 |
OPLEV | 3 .740 |
1 .719 |
41 .860 |
2 .002* |
1 .783 |
40 .456 |
3 .473 |
1 .455 |
48 .806 |
1 .778 |
1 .607 |
45 .241 |
VSALE | 0 .143 |
0 .101 |
0 .132 |
0 .120*** |
0 .082^^^ |
0 .110 |
0 .152 |
0 .098 |
0 .148 |
0 .115*** |
0 .074^^^ |
0 .118 |
LOSS | 0 .270 |
0 .000 |
0 .444 |
0 .238*** |
0 .000^^^ |
0 .426 |
0 .381 |
0 .000 |
0 .486 |
0 .318*** |
0 .000^^^ |
0 .466 |
PINST | 0 .419 |
0 .465 |
0 .358 |
0 .487*** |
0 .582^^^ |
0 .374 |
0 .430 |
0 .484 |
0 .373 |
0 .495*** |
0 .569^^^ |
0 .379 |
SIZE | 6 .523 |
6 .346 |
1 .664 |
6 .685*** |
6 .535^^^ |
1 .749 |
6 .775 |
6 .546 |
1 .728 |
6 .757 |
6 .561 |
1 .841 |
TRADING_VOL | 2 .671 |
2 .661 |
1 .655 |
2 .992*** |
2 .997^^^ |
1 .689 |
3 .128 |
3 .124 |
1 .615 |
3 .412*** |
3 .409^^^ |
1 .620 |
GROWTH | 0 .042 |
0 .026 |
0 .098 |
0 .023*** |
0 .019^^^ |
0 .075 |
0 .043 |
0 .023 |
0 .109 |
0 .015*** |
0 .012^^^ |
0 .079 |
RD | 0 .074 |
0 .000 |
0 .180 |
0 .065*** |
0 .000 |
0 .156 |
0 .085 |
0 .000 |
0 .175 |
0 .077 |
0 .000 |
0 .137 |
SEG | 0 .754 |
0 .693 |
0 .764 |
0 .728* |
0 .693^^^ |
0 .800 |
0 .884 |
0 .693 |
0 .743 |
0 .872 |
0 .693 |
0 .795 |
CAR | −0 .039 |
−0 .014 |
0 .114 |
−0 .034** |
−0 .014 |
0 .104 |
−0 .082 |
−0 .037 |
0 .150 |
−0 .076 |
−0 .035 |
0 .142 |
OPLEV | 2 .501 |
1 .683 |
47 .898 |
2 .455 |
1 .718 |
48 .160 |
3 .202 |
1 .502 |
55 .893 |
3 .291 |
1 .583 |
54 .619 |
VSALE | 0 .151 |
0 .105 |
0 .140 |
0 .129*** |
0 .087^^^ |
0 .124 |
0 .154 |
0 .101 |
0 .150 |
0 .121*** |
0 .080^^^ |
0 .123 |
LOSS | 0 .310 |
0 .000 |
0 .463 |
0 .298 |
0 .000 |
0 .458 |
0 .409 |
0 .000 |
0 .492 |
0 .379* |
0 .000^ |
0 .485 |
PINST | 0 .370 |
0 .359 |
0 .338 |
0 .428*** |
0 .449^^^ |
0 .359 |
0 .397 |
0 .416 |
0 .356 |
0 .430** |
0 .452^^^ |
0 .370 |
Notes: This table presents the sample composition and descriptive statistics. Panel A presents the number of restatements and firm‐year observations having the necessary data for the respective testing samples. Panels B, C and D provide the descriptive statistics of the control variables for the analyst coverage, forecast dispersion and forecast error samples, respectively. Column (1) of Panels B, C and D compares the changes in the control variables across the pre‐ and post‐restatement periods for the testing samples experiencing either irregularity or other restatements over 1997–2006, and Column (2) examines the same relationship for the testing samples experiencing irregularity restatements over 1997–2006. SIZE is the market value of equity; TRADING_VOL is the quarterly trading volume in millions of shares; GROWTH is the sales growth rate; RD is research and development expenditures scaled by sales; SEG is the logarithm of the number of geographic segments; CAR is cumulative abnormal returns in the three‐day window around the restatement announcement; OPLEV is operating leverage; VSALE is the volatility of sales; LOSS is a loss indicator variable; PINST is the percentage of institutional ownership. ***, ** and * (^^^, ^^ and ^) denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively, based on t‐statistics (Z‐statistics) for difference in means (medians). The Appendix provides variable definitions in more detail.
(A) | |||
No. of cells | No. of mice | No. with surface metastases (range in No.; mean No. per mouse) | No. with internal metastases |
106 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
5×106 | 5 | 4 (0–7; 3.0) | 0 |
107 | 4 | 3 (0–5; 1.8) | 0 |
(B) | |||
Cell line | No. of mice | No. with surface metastases (range in No.; mean No. per mouse) | No. with internal metastases |
SW480 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
SW620 | 11 | 6 (0–6; 3.0) | 0 |
Local Chromatic Number
Here, we will construct a graph proving the following statement.
There exists a graph G such that
To prove this theorem, we will use the following Lemma.
Let us have and let c be a local k‐coloring of the graph . Then c is the natural coloring up to permutation of colors.
This is straightforward if tedious and is left as an exercise for the reader. □
Here, we present the proof of Theorem 1 assuming that Lemma 1 is true for m=5 and k=3.
Why Children and not Adults?
This is one of the most intriguing questions of all. There may be several reasons why children might be at greater risk, but little research has examined such differences. Speculation as to the cause of increased susceptibility to cerebral oedema of children as compared with adults has involved a number of theories as follows:
- relatively greater brain volume
- more rapid changes in plasma osmolality
- lack of sex steroids3
- less (or more) developed mechanisms for brain cell volume regulation
- difference in taurine (or other non‐perturbing osmolyte) metabolism
- differences in blood–brain barrier efficiency (e.g. aquaporin channels)
- other as yet unidentified causes?
Some simple rules to remember when formulating Genbank entries are:
- Put each piece of information in the appropriate qualifier.
- Supply as many qualifiers for each coding sequence as can reasonably be provided.
- Do not attempt to be creative by adding additional information into a given qualifier. For example, adding multiple synonyms for the gene name inside a given gene qualifier violates the specification and could produce erroneous results in software that processes that qualifier.
See for more examples of conformant Genbank entries, and Appendices B and C for program fragments.
Disregarded Spurious ORFs, Overlapping with Real Genes
ORFs which have all, or the majority of their translation overlapping with other annotated features, were individually assessed for similarity to all organisms, as described in Clinical Specimen Collection above, together with experimental data if available. For ORFs to be considered as spurious, they had to meet all of the following criteria:
- Small size (35–250 amino acids).
- Absence of similarity to known proteins.
- Absence of functional data which could not have been generated by the real overlapping gene.
- Greater than 25% overlap at the N‐terminus or 50% overlap at the C terminus with another coding feature; overlap with another feature at both ends; or ORF containing a tRNA.
Transposon fragments were also removed.
Very Hypothetical ORFs
In Sz. pombe, 177 ORFs which are considered unlikely to be coding but cannot yet be dismissed as spurious have been assigned as very hypothetical according to the following criteria:
- Small size (100–250 amino acids) and limited complexity (Structure 3).
- Absence of similarity to other known proteins.
- Overlap with other features, particularly at the N‐terminus, where they might interfere with promoters (the overlaps in these cases are smaller than those observed in disregarded ORFs).
- Extreme GC content (see Plate 1).

The annotation of Sz. pombe adequately discriminates between very hypothetical proteins and real genes and this approach has been applied to a re‐annotation of the S. cerevisiae genome.
The interference factor, E, is given by the (author's hand‐drawn original) equation

though it needs large quantities of data to provide the accuracy required in this study.
The ADC products in IgG and SIP format, described in the previous section, were first tested in tumor‐bearing mice in a pilot experiment (Figs. 3a and 3b]. Nude mice bearing subcutaneously‐grafted U87 or A431 tumors received four injections of ADC products at a dose of 7 mg/Kg for both formats (corresponding to an almost double molar amount for the SIP product). The IgG derivative cured 100% of treated mice. The ADC product in SIP format exhibited a substantial anti‐tumor activity, which however was not curative (Figs. 3a 4b]. Encouraged by these initial results, we performed a second therapy study in the A431 model, which confirmed the induction of cancer cures with F16‐MMAE at 10 mg/Kg, while a similar ADC product based on the KSF antibody (specific to hen‐egg lysozyme and serving as negative control) did not inhibit tumor growth at the same dose (Fig. 3c).

Therapeutic activity of F16 based ADCs in pilot experiment against A431 epidermal carcinoma (a) or U87 glyoblastoma (b) or in main experiment against A431 cells (c). When tumors reached an average of 100 mm3 of volume, mice were randomly grouped and intravenously injected every 3 days, 4 times in total (). Lower doses of IgG(F16)*‐MMAE (e.g., 3 mg/Kg) did not induce cures (data not shown). Data points represent mean tumor volume ±SEM, n = 3 (a,b) or n = 5 (c) per group. The right panels show the percentage of body weight change during the course of the therapy.
Systems should be as simple as possible but not simpler…
Albert Einstein
A theoretical equation for the excitation spectrum intensity is proposed. It is applicable when the frequency of incident light approximates to the extinction band.
The corresponding dependence can be represented by the equation
where B is a value which changes a little as a function of ω0, the primary radiation frequency. R is the transmission coefficient through the border between vacuum and crystal and υ0 is the primary radiation group velocity. The last two factors change sufficiently in the field of an extinction band. The values of I, B and υ0 can be measured independently and Eqn. (5) can be compared with experimental data.
Special thanks go to the anonymous reviewers for their comments on improving the quality of this paper. Special thanks go to Professor Werner Eichhörst from the Department of Statistics at the University of Manitoba for helpful and stimulating discussions.
Note Added in Proof
Mating and sporulation in S. pombe are repressed by exogenously added cAMP (1980, Plant Cell Physiol 21: 613–625). We find that in strains overexpressing SAMS the repressing effect of cAMP is significantly less than in wild type, indicating that SAMS interferes with sensing and/or transduction of the exogenous cAMP signal.
- 1 The survey was commissioned by the Stichting Sociaal‐culturele Wetenschappen (SSCW), Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (NWO). The data‐set is available under the title “Aspects of life‐event history of the Dutch population. Part 1: Changes in socio‐demographic data, social mobility, relationships history, educational career, and work mobility” at the Niwi Steinmetz archives (under number P1107). The LISA data‐sets were obtained from the RIVM for the Ruimtescanner project.
- 2 The other Landkreise and their average TFRs in the period 1995–97 are: Aurich (1.63), Leer (1.64), Grafschaft Bentheim (1.65), Emsland (1.68), Vechta (1.69) and Borken (1.66). While the last is part of Nordrhein‐Westfalen, all other Kreise belong to Niedersachsen. Plus the LKR Alb‐Donau‐Kreis with a TFR of 1.62, and — more to the west — the LKR Tuttlingen and LKR Rottweil, each with a TFR of 1.66.
- 3 Typical drugs are a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (such as Zidovudine, Retrovir, Videx, Lamivudine, Abacavir), a non‐nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (such as Sustiva, Viramune, Nevirapine) and a protease inhibitor (such as Ritonavir, Norvir, Viracept, Indinavir).
- 1.General relativity and conformal invariance: I A new look at some old field equations’, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., Vol. 12, No. 3, 1979, pp. 367–373. , ‘
- 2.Comments on “A simplified theory for a matrix solar collector”’, Int. J. Energy Research, Vol. 8, 1984, pp. 305–323. , ‘
- 3.The Fermilab E791 Collaboration, ‘Branching fractions for D0 → K+K− and D0 → pi+pi−, and a search for CP violation in D0 decays’, Phys. Lett., Vol. B421, 1998, pp. 405–411.
- 4.leanTAP: Lean, tableau‐based deduction’, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Vol. 15, 1995, pp. 339–358. This is also available on the Web from and , ‘
- 5.The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd edn, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1960, pp. 255–260. ,
- 6.Protein kinases’, in P. D. Boyer (ed.), The Enzymes, Vol. 8, Academic Press, New York, 1973, pp. 555–581. and , ‘
- 7.Department of Health, Caring for People: Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond, HMSO, London, 1989.
- 8.The Elements of Style, 1st edn, Ithaca, NY. Privately printed (Press of W. P. Humphrey, Geneva, NY), 1918. On‐line at ,
- 9.Rebuilding for the Future…A Guide to Sustainable Redevelopment for Disaster‐Affected Communities, U.S. Department of Energy, September 1994. (with the assistance of Roberta F. Stauffer),
- 10.Invariance and non‐determinacy’, in C. A. R. Hoare and J. C. Shepherdson (eds), Mathematical Logic and Programming Languages, Prentice‐Hall International Series in Computer Science, Prentice‐Hall, 1985, pp. 157–165. The papers in this volume were first published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 312, 1984. , ‘
- 11.1997.‐th/9710148. , ‘Physics of finance’, Preprint hep‐th/9710148. e‐Print archive,
- 12.EP‐94120270, Fuji Latex Co., Ltd. Filed: 21 Dec 1994. , , and , ‘Condom coated with acidic polysaccharides’, European Patent No.
- 13.ISO Technical committee TC 69, subcommittee: SC 1, Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: Probability and general statistical terms, ISO 3534‐1:1993.
- 14.Three dimensional structure of the active form of mitochondrial ATPase: ATP hydrolysis/synthesis involves subtle conformational changes’, submitted for publication. , , and , ‘
- 15.Predicting confined explosions with an unstructured adaptive mesh code’, presented at the Joint Meeting of the Portuguese, British and Spanish Sections of the Combustion Institute, Madeira, 1996. , , and , ‘
- 16.Simulations of confined turbulent explosions’, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge, 1994. , ‘
- 17.Ibid.
- 18.On a system of equations from the theory of nonlinear visco‐elasticity’, preprint, TH‐Darmstadt, 1989. , ‘
Further Reading
- 1998). ‘Solving the puzzle of education: policy reforms and distribution of education’, Policy Research Working Paper, World Bank, Washington, DC. , and (
- 1995). ‘New database on human capital stock in developing countries and industrial countries: sources, methodology, and results’, Journal of Development Economics, 46, 379–401. , and (
- World Bank (1991). World Development Report 1991: Challenge of Development, Oxford University Press, New York.
- World Bank (1997). World Development Indicators 1997, World Bank, Washington, DC.

Jørgen van der Ploeg gained the BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1975, 1977 and 1988, respectively. Since 1975 he has been at the Western Michigan University, where he is currently the head of Computer Systems Department. He has also been an associate professor at the University of Ljubljana. His research interests include electronic testing and diagnosis, and fault‐tolerant computing.
Supporting Information
Filename | Description |
rcm4-sup-0001-video1.movvideo/quicktime |
Video of C. elegans |
rcm4-sup-0002-excelSheet1.zipapplication/zip |
Raw statistical data for this article. |
source_data.txttext/plain |
Source data for figure 2 |
Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the supporting information tab for this article.
Definition List
→a.s | almost sure convergence |
→p | convergence in probability |
=d | distributional equivalence |
B(r) | Brownian motion |
BM(σ2) | Brownian motion with variance σ2 |
1(A) | indicator of A |
MN (0, G) | mixed normal distribution with mixing variate G |
⇒, →d | weak convergence |
[·] | integer part of |
r∧s | min(r, s) |
≡ | equivalence |
op(1) | tends to zero in probability |
oa.s.(1) | tends to zero almost surely |
Generated trains Examples
Only a subset of the 100 generated trains examples are listed here. The files can be found at∼jmorin/Programs/Generator
train(([car(1,hexa,short,not double,flat,2,l(diam,1)),
train(([car(1,rect,short,not double,none,2,l(rect,1)),
car(2,rect,short,not double,none,2,l(tri,2)),
5 car(3,rect,short,double,flat,2,l(diam,2)),
car(4,ell,short,not double,arc,2,l(rect,1))])).
train(([car(1,rect,long,not double,none,3,l(utri,0)),
car(2,ell,short,not double,arc,2,l(cir,2)),
car(3,ell,short,not double,arc,2,l(cir,2)),
10 car(4,rect,short,not double,none,2,l(tri,1))])).
The following procedures describe the generation of examples.
Generate Argument from Arg
for each argument A in Arg do
if A belongs to one of the lists of constants or nominal values then
15 reproduce A in the example
case A of
. f#(Arg):
choose a function name from the list of functions
20 generate Argument with Arg
. n#(Name):
generate a nominal value from the list of
nominal values called Name
. otherwise:
25 generate a variable name of the form v#
Although GenEx makes all its choices randomly, the user decides on the distribution of examples generated from a (sub)set of rules. For instance, to generate positive examples pos from rules 1 to 5 with an equal distribution (say 10 examples for each rule), the user invokes GenEx as follows: gen_nb_ex_for_each_rule(pos, 1, 5, 10). On the other hand, to generate examples from these rules with a random distribution the user specifies: gen_tot_ex_from_rules(pos, 1, 5, 100).
GenEx and GenTax are independent of any particular learner and could be used by the machine learning community at large as domain‐independent tools for making complete sets of examples and taxonomies for thorough empirical testing of learners. GenEx and GenTax proved to be useful tools to evaluate two ILP learners.